Love meetings?
Holger decided to participate in the department meetings! How odd! Do you want to know why?
Read the article, be inspired about how to facilitate and make an effective meeting culture with high engagement og competence development.

What's on your mind?
What’s on your mind? What occupies your thoughts? What challenges you or stresses you out at the moment? Or do you have any good experiences that you would like to share with others to help them improve?
Read the article to learn a simply, fast and highly effective process!

I wonder why?
Maybe, you don’t know what it is? Maybe, you’re wondering what it might be, it whets your appetite? Maybe, it disturbs you in your work and upsets your plans? That’s exactly the point!
Read the article to learn a simply process to create innovation, teambuilding and knowledge sharing.

Together we know more!
How can we help each other with challenges, improve competencies and build strong relations? Fortunately, there’s often a great deal of knowledge within the project team already. We just have to activate it!
Read the article to learn an inspiring process!

Understand the impact of your leadership style!
Your boss commands: There’s a course about leadership styles work climate and building social relationships next week -and you’re going!! - and you really need it!
How will that affect you?

The training plan!
To support implementation of learnings from courses or changes of behaviours based on visions/strategies from organizational og personal development.
Do you take the chance not to change (learn)?
Read the article and be inspired to build your training plan.